nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.AbbreviatedText |
Abbreviates a Text using ellipses. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.And |
Logical conjunction. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.AndFunc |
Logical conjunction. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.AndInThreads |
Logical conjunction, in multiple threads. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.AndInThreadsFunc |
Logical conjunction, in multiple threads. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.AndWithIndex |
Logical conjunction, with index. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.AndWithIndexFunc |
Logical conjunction, with index. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.Async |
Func that runs in the background. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.AvgOf |
Average of numbers. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.bytes.Base64Bytes |
Decodes all origin bytes using the Base64 encoding scheme. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.Base64Text |
Decodes the origin text using the Base64 encoding scheme. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.BiFunc |
Function that accepts two arguments. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.BiFuncOf |
Represents many possible inputs as BiFunc. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.BiProc |
Proc that accepts two arguments. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.BiProcOf |
Func as BiProc. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.BoolOf |
Text as Boolean. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.Bytes |
Bytes. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.bytes.BytesBase64 |
Encodes all origin bytes using the Base64 encoding scheme. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.BytesOf |
A Bytes that encapsulates other sources of data. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.CallableOf |
Func as Callable. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.Chained |
Composed function. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.CheckedBiFunc |
BiFunc that throws exception of specified type. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.CheckedBiProc |
BiProc that throws exception of specified type. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.CheckedBytes |
Bytes that throws exception of specified type. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.CheckedFunc |
Func that throws exception of specified type. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.CheckedInput |
Input that throws exception of specified type. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.CheckedOutput |
Output that throws exception of specified type. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.CheckedProc |
Proc that throws exception of specified type. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.CheckedScalar |
Scalar that wraps an original checked exception thrown by the origin using the given wrapping function. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.collection.CollectionEnvelope |
Base read-only collection. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.collection.CollectionOf |
Iterable as Collection. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.Constant |
Constant value that never changes. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.Cycled |
Cycled Iterable. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.Cycled |
Cycled Iterator. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.time.DateAsText |
Formatter for date instances. Formats the date using the provided formatter. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.time.DateOf |
Parser for Date instances. Parsing the date using the provided formatter. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.DeadInput |
Input with no data. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.DeadInputStream |
InputStream with no data. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.DeadOutput |
Output that accepts anything. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.DeadOutputStream |
OutputStream that accepts anything. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.DigestEnvelope |
Digest Envelope. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.Directory |
Files in a directory. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.EmptyBytes |
Bytes with no data. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.collection.EmptyCollection |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.EmptyIterable |
Iterable that returns EmptyIterator |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.EmptyIterator |
Iterator that has no elements. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.list.EmptyList |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.list.EmptyListIterator |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.Endless |
Endless iterable. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.Endless |
Iterator that never ends. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.Equality |
Equality. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.Equals |
Equals. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.FallbackFrom |
Fallback from exception. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.False |
Logical false. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.collection.Filtered |
Filtered collection. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.Filtered |
Filtered iterable. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.Filtered |
Filtered iterator. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.FirstOf |
Find first element in a list that satisfies specified condition. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.Folded |
Iterable, which elements are “folded” through the func. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.FormattedText |
Text in Sprinf format. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.Func |
Function. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.FuncOf |
Represents many possible inputs as Func. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.FuncWithFallback |
Func with a fallback plan. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.map.Grouped |
Iterable as Map. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.GzipInput |
Input that reads compressed data from the GZIP file format. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.GzipOutput |
Output that writes compressed data in the GZIP file format. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.HeadInput |
Input that only shows the first N bytes of the original input. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.HeadInputStream |
Input stream that only shows the first N bytes of the original stream. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.collection.HeadOf |
Head portion of collection. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.HeadOf |
Head portion of the iterable. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.HeadOf |
Head portion of the iterator. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.HexOf |
Hexadecimal representation of Bytes. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.bytes.HexOf |
Decodes origin Text using the hexadecimal encoding scheme. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.HighestOf |
Find the highest item. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.Immutable |
Iterator that doesn’t allow removal of elements. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.InheritanceLevel |
Calculates number of superclasses between base and derived class. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.Input |
Input. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.InputOf |
An Input that encapsulates other sources of data. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.InputStreamOf |
An InputStream that encapsulates other sources of data. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.InputWithFallback |
Input that returns an alternative input if the main one throws IOException. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.IoCheckedBiFunc |
Func that doesn’t throw checked Exception, but throws IOException instead. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.IoCheckedBiProc |
BiProc that doesn’t throw checked Exception, but throws IOException instead. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.IoCheckedFunc |
Func that doesn’t throw checked Exception, but throws IOException instead. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.IoCheckedProc |
Proc that doesn’t throw checked Exception, but throws java.io.IOException instead. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.IoCheckedScalar |
KScalar that doesn’t throw checked Exception, but throws IOException instead. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.IsBlank |
Determines if text is blank (consists of spaces) or no. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.time.Iso |
Default formatter |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.ItemAt |
Element from position in Iterator or fallback value if iterator hasn’t this position. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.IterableEnvelope |
Iterable envelope. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.IterableOf |
Array as iterable. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.IterableOfBooleans |
Iterable of boolean values. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.IterableOfBytes |
Iterable of bytes. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.IterableOfChars |
Iterable of characters. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.IterableOfDoubles |
Iterable of double values. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.IterableOfFloats |
Iterable of float values. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.IterableOfInts |
Iterable of integer values. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.IterableOfLongs |
Iterable of long values. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.IterableOfShorts |
Iterable of short values. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.IteratorOf |
Iterator over variable number of elements. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.IteratorOfBooleans |
Iterator over Booleans. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.IteratorOfBytes |
Iterator over Bytes. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.IteratorOfChars |
Iterator over Chars. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.IteratorOfDoubles |
Iterator over Doubles. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.IteratorOfFloats |
Iterator over Floats. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.IteratorOfInts |
Iterator over Ints. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.IteratorOfLongs |
Iterator over Longs. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.IteratorOfShorts |
Iterator over Shorts. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.JDKLowerText |
Text in lower case. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.JDKTextOf |
TextOf various inputs available on JDK. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.JDKUpperText |
Text in upper case. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.collection.Joined |
A few Collections joined together. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.Joined |
A few Iterables joined together. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.Joined |
A few Iterators joined together. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.list.Joined |
Joined list. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.Joined |
Concatenation of several inputs. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.JoinedText |
Join a Text. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.KBiFunc |
Alias for BiFunc |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.KBiProc |
Alias for BiProc |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.KBytes |
Alias for Bytes |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.KFunc |
Alias for Func |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.KProc |
Alias for Proc |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.KScalar |
Alias for Scalar |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.KText |
Alias for Text |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.LSInputOf |
Input as LSInput. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.LengthOf |
Length of iterable. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.LengthOf |
Length of iterator. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.LengthOf |
Length of Input. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.list.ListEnvelope |
List envelope. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.list.ListIterator |
Iterator of the list. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.list.ListOf |
Iterable as List. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.time.LocalDateAsText |
Formatter for LocalDate instances. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.time.LocalDateTimeAsText |
Formatter for LocalDateTime instances. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.time.LocalDateTimeOf |
Parser for LocalDateTime instances. Parses the date using the formatter to create LocalDateTime instances. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.LoggingInput |
Logged input. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.LoggingInputStream |
Logged input stream. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.LoggingOutput |
Logged output. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.LoggingOutputStream |
Logged output stream. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.LowerText |
Text in lower case. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.LowestOf |
Find the lowest item. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.map.MapEntry |
MapEntry as kotlin.collections.Map.Entry. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.map.MapEnvelope |
Map envelope. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.map.MapOf |
Constructs Map from various inputs. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.collection.Mapped |
Mapped collection. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.Mapped |
Mapped iterable. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.Mapped |
Mapped iterator. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.list.Mapped |
Mapped list. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.MaxOf |
Find the greatest value among numbers. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.Md5DigestOf |
MD5 checksum calculation of Input. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.MinOf |
Find the smallest value among numbers. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.NormalizedText |
Normalize (replace sequences of whitespace characters by a single space) a Text. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.Not |
Logical negative. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.NumberEnvelope |
Envelope for the Number. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.NumberOf |
Text as Double. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.time.OffsetDateTimeAsText |
Formatter for OffsetDateTime instances. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.time.OffsetDateTimeOf |
Parser for OffsetDateTime instances. Parses the date using the formatter to create OffsetDateTime instances. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.Or |
Logical disjunction. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.OrFunc |
Logical disjunction. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.Output |
Output. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.OutputStreamTo |
An OutputStream that encapsulates other destination for the data. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.OutputTo |
An Output that encapsulates other destination for the data. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.PaddedEndText |
Text padded at end to reach the given length. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.PaddedStartText |
Text padded at start to reach the given length. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.Partitioned |
Iterable implementation for partitioning functionality. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.Partitioned |
Iterator implementation for Iterator partitioning. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.Proc |
Procedure. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.ProcOf |
Func as Proc. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.PropertiesOf |
Map as java.util.Properties. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.RandomText |
Random text. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.RangeOf |
Iterable implementation to model range functionality. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.RangeOf |
Iterator implementation to model range functionality. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.ReaderAsBytes |
Reader as Bytes. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.ReaderOf |
A Reader that encapsulates other sources of data. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.Reduced |
Reduce iterable via BiFunc. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.Repeated |
Func that repeats its calculation a few times before returning the last result. If times is equal or less than zero Repeated.apply will return an exception. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.Repeated |
Repeat an element. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.Repeated |
Repeat an element. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.RepeatedText |
Repeat an text count times. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.ReplacedText |
Replace the Text. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.ResourceOf |
Classpath resource. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.Retry |
Func that will try a few times before throwing an exception. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.RetryScalar |
Func that will try a few times before throwing an exception. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.collection.Reversed |
Reversed collection. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.Reversed |
Reverse iterable. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.list.Reversed |
Reversed list. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.ReversedText |
Reverse the Text. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.RotatedText |
Rotate (circular shift) a String of shift characters. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.RunnableOf |
Func as Runnable. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.Scalar |
Scalar. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.ScalarWithFallback |
Scalar with a fallback plan. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.Sha1DigestOf |
SHA-1 checksum calculation of Input. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.Sha256DigestOf |
SHA-256 checksum calculation of Input. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.collection.Shuffled |
Shuffled collection. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.Shuffled |
Shuffled iterable. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.Shuffled |
Shuffled iterator. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.list.Shuffled |
Shuffled list. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.collection.Skipped |
Skipped collection. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.Skipped |
Skipped iterable. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.Skipped |
Skipped iterator. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.collection.Solid |
A Collection that is both synchronized and sticky. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.SolidBiFunc |
BiFunc that is thread-safe and sticky. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.SolidFunc |
Func that is thread-safe and sticky. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.SolidIterable |
An Iterable that is both synchronized and sticky. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.list.SolidList |
A List that is both synchronized and sticky. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.map.SolidMap |
A Map that is both synchronized and sticky. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.SolidScalar |
Cached and synchronized version of a KScalar. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.collection.Sorted |
Sorted collection. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.Sorted |
Sorted iterable. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.Sorted |
Sorted iterator. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.list.Sorted |
Sorted list. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.SplitText |
Split the Text. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.StderrOutput |
Output that writes to stderr . |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.StdinInput |
Input that reads from stdin . |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.StdoutOutput |
Output that writes to stdout . |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.collection.Sticky |
Collection decorator that goes through the list only once. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.StickyBiFunc |
Func that accepts two arguments and caches previously calculated values and doesn’t recalculate again. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.StickyFunc |
Func that caches previously calculated values and doesn’t recalculate again. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.StickyInput |
Input that reads only once. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.StickyIterable |
Iterable that returns the same set of elements, always. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.list.StickyList |
List decorator that goes through the list only once. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.map.StickyMap |
Map decorator that goes through the map only once. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.StickyScalar |
Cached version of a KScalar. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.SubText |
Extract a substring from a Text. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.SumOf |
Represents total sum of given numbers. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.SumOfDoubleScalar |
Double Scalar which sums up the values of other Scalars of the same type. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.SumOfFloatScalar |
Float Scalar which sums up the values of other Scalars of the same type |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.SumOfIntScalar |
Integer Scalar which sums up the values of other Scalars of the same type |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.SumOfLongScalar |
Long Scalar which sums up the values of other Scalars of the same type |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.SwappedCaseText |
Swaps the case of a Text changing upper and title case to lower case, and lower case to upper case. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.SyncBiFunc |
BiFunc that is thread-safe. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.SyncFunc |
Func that is thread-safe. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.SyncInput |
Thread-safe Input. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.SyncIterable |
Synchronized iterable. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.SyncIterator |
Synchronized Iterator. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.list.SyncList |
Synchronized list. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.map.SyncMap |
Map decorator that goes through the map only once. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.SyncOutput |
Thread-safe Output. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.SyncScalar |
Scalar that is thread-safe. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.SyncText |
Text that is thread-safe. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.collection.Synced |
Iterable as Collection. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.TailInput |
Input showing only last N bytes of the stream. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.collection.TailOf |
Tail portion of the collection. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterable.TailOf |
Tail portion of the iterable. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.iterator.TailOf |
Tail portion of the iterator. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.TeeInput |
Input to Output copying pipe. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.TeeInputStream |
Stream that copies input to output. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.TeeOutput |
Output to Output copying pipe. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.TeeOutputStream |
Stream that copies output to output. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.TeeReader |
Input to Output copying reader. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.TempFile |
A temporary file. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.Ternary |
Ternary operation. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.Text |
Text. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.TextBase64 |
Encodes the origin text using the Base64 encoding scheme. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.TextEnvelope |
Text envelope that provides equals and hashCode methods. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.TextOf |
Text from various inputs |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.TimedFunc |
Function that gets interrupted after a certain time has passed. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.TrimmedLeftText |
Text with leading whitespace removed. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.TrimmedRightText |
Text with trailing whitespace removed. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.TrimmedText |
Text without whitespace characters from both ends. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.True |
Logical truth. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.UncheckedBiFunc |
BiFunc that doesn’t throw checked Exception. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.UncheckedBiProc |
BiProc that doesn’t throw checked Exception. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.UncheckedBytes |
Bytes that doesn’t throw checked Exception. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.UncheckedFunc |
Func that doesn’t throw checked Exception. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.UncheckedInput |
Input that doesn’t throw checked Exception. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.UncheckedOutput |
Input that doesn’t throw checked Exception. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.func.UncheckedProc |
Proc that doesn’t throw checked Exception. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.scalar.UncheckedScalar |
Scalar that throws unchecked UncheckedIOException instead of checked Exception. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.UncheckedText |
Text that doesn’t throw checked Exception. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.text.UpperText |
Text in upper case. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.WriterAsOutputStream |
Writer as OutputStream. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.WriterTo |
A Writer that encapsulates other destination for the data. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.io.Zip |
Zip files and directory. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.time.ZonedDateTimeAsText |
Formatter for ZonedDateTime instances. |
nnl.rocks.kactoos.time.ZonedDateTimeOf |
Parser for ZonedDateTime instances. |