
kactoos-jvm / nnl.rocks.kactoos.io / BytesOf


class BytesOf : Bytes

A Bytes that encapsulates other sources of data.

There is no thread-safety guarantee.

Since 0.3


Name Summary
<init> BytesOf(bytes: Bytes)
BytesOf(vararg bytes: Byte)BytesOf(input: Input)
BytesOf(file: File)
BytesOf(path: Path)
BytesOf(input: Input, max: Int)
BytesOf(rdr: Reader)
BytesOf(rdr: Reader, charset: Charset)
BytesOf(rdr: Reader, charset: CharSequence)
BytesOf(rdr: Reader, charset: Charset, max: Int)
BytesOf(rdr: Reader, max: Int)
BytesOf(rdr: Reader, charset: CharSequence, max: Int)
BytesOf(input: CharSequence, charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8)
BytesOf(input: CharSequence, charset: CharSequence)
BytesOf(vararg chars: Char)
BytesOf(chars: CharArray, charset: Charset)
BytesOf(chars: CharArray, charset: CharSequence)
BytesOf(text: Text, charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8)
BytesOf(text: Text, charset: CharSequence)
BytesOf(error: Throwable, charset: Charset = Charsets.UTF_8)
BytesOf(error: Throwable, charset: CharSequence)
BytesOf(vararg strace: StackTraceElement)
BytesOf(strace: Array<StackTraceElement>, charset: Charset)
BytesOf(strace: Array<StackTraceElement>, charset: CharSequence)
Ctor.BytesOf(origin: KBytes)
A Bytes that encapsulates other sources of data.


Name Summary
asBytes fun asBytes(): ByteArray
Convert it to the byte array.